- Obtain a service manual for your car's make and model.
- Remove the parts that are on top of the head gasket. Refer to your car's service manual for specifics, but in most cases this involves removing the exhaust manifold, the intake manifold, head cover, and head. Depending on the car, you may need to remove a belt.
- Check the head and block to be sure no warping has occurred. Don't try to replace a head gasket with 2 parts that will not meet smoothly.
- Clean the surface of the head and block. Do not scratch or remove any metal from either, as this may prevent the head gasket from sealing.
- Clean the bolt holes that tighten the head to the block.
- Fit the head gasket onto the block. Use gasket sealant when specified by the manufacturer, and only use the directed amount in the particular places. Deviating from the manufacturer's recommendations can cause damage to the internal parts of the engine.
- Place the head onto the block with the head gasket in place.
- Use a torque wrench to tighten the head onto the block with new bolts. Check the service manual for the torque recommended on the block bolts.
- Replace the other engine components you removed.
- Check and / or adjust the valve parts to be sure that the timing is correct again.
- Perform a final oil change and coolant change to remove impurities.