

Saturday, December 3, 2011

How to Replace Ball Joints and Wheel Bearings on a 1996 F150

Article provided by wikihow the wikihow manual

This is a step by step of how to get to your ball joints and wheel bearings on a 96 F150. Different models may have a different setup.


  1. 1
    Jack up vehicle and place securely on jackstands.

  2. 2
    Remove front tires.
  3. 3
    Remove brake caliper.
    Remove brake caliper.
    Remove brake caliper.
    • DO NOT let the caliper hang by the rubber hose.
      DO NOT let the caliper hang by the rubber hose.
      DO NOT let the caliper hang by the rubber hose. Always either tie it to something that's not coming off, or find a nice place for it to rest that it won't drop off. Her it is set on top of the coil spring.
  4. 4
    Remove both brake pads by pulling them straight out, then up.
    Remove both brake pads by pulling them straight out, then up.
    Remove both brake pads by pulling them straight out, then up.
  5. 5
    Remove the dust cover for the wheel bearings by prying the cap off with a screwdriver or other small pry tool.
    Remove the dust cover for the wheel bearings by prying the cap off with a screwdriver or other small pry tool.
    Remove the dust cover for the wheel bearings by prying the cap off with a screwdriver or other small pry tool.
  6. 6
    Remove the cotter pin and nut cover from the hub nut.
    Remove the cotter pin and nut cover from the hub nut.
    Remove the cotter pin and nut cover from the hub nut.
  7. 7
    Remove the hub nut.
    Remove the hub nut.
    Remove the hub nut. When this nut is removed, the hub assembly will be free to fall off.
  8. 8
    Pull the hub assembly straight out.
    Pull the hub assembly straight out.
    Pull the hub assembly straight out. The outer wheel bearing and washer will come off with the hub assembly, and will be free to fall. The inner bearing SHOULD stay in the hub assembly, but it may stay on the spindle if your seal is bad. Leave it on and it should come off in the next step.
  9. 9
    Remove the brake shield but removing the three bolts that hold it on and pull straight out.
    Remove the brake shield but removing the three bolts that hold it on and pull straight out.
    Remove the brake shield but removing the three bolts that hold it on and pull straight out.
  10. 10
    Remove the outer tie rod from the spindle by removing the cotter pin and nut.
    Remove the outer tie rod from the spindle by removing the cotter pin and nut.
    Remove the outer tie rod from the spindle by removing the cotter pin and nut. Thread the nut back on a few turns to keep it from falling completely off of the spindle initially. Once it's separated from the spindle, you can take the nut off and lay it out of the way.
  11. 11
    Once the tie rod is off, the spindle is free to move left and right.
    Once the tie rod is off, the spindle is free to move left and right.
    Once the tie rod is off, the spindle is free to move left and right. Spin it out of the way and have a look at the ball joints. First to come off is the bolt for the pinch joint and camber adapter on the upper ball joint.
  12. 12
    Remove the cotter pin and nut from the lower ball joint.
    Remove the cotter pin and nut from the lower ball joint.
    Remove the cotter pin and nut from the lower ball joint. Same deal as the tie rod end, thread it back on a few turns so it doesn't fall completely.
  13. 13
    Give the axle and/or spindle a few taps with a hammer until the ball joints separate from the axle. A ball joint separator might be handy here, but it should fall right out after a few good hits.
  14. 14
    Remove the nut from the lower ball joint and remove the spindle.
  15. 15
    Most manuals will tell you that the upper ball joint MUST be pressed out first, but you may not find a way to do so.
    Most manuals will tell you that the upper ball joint MUST be pressed out first, but you may not find a way to do so.
    Most manuals will tell you that the upper ball joint MUST be pressed out first, but you may not find a way to do so. Remove the lower ball joint first by setting up the ball joint press with a receiver cup bigger than the ball joint on the upper part of the ball joint, and the forcing screw on the bottom part of the ball joint. This image is set up for installing the lower ball joint, so the only thing you would do differently is not having a receiving cup and adapter plate on the bottom (Only the forcing screw needs to be on bottom). Repeat with the exact same setup for the upper ball joint. The forcing screw will actually go through the hole where the lower ball joint was when pressing out the upper ball joint.
  16. 16
    When installing the ball joints, you have to start with the upper ball joint. Use the setup in the picture for the previous step.
  17. 17
    Once the ball joints are installed, grease up your new wheel bearing by putting a glob of grease in your hand and working it into the bearing until the grease is packed into all of the bearing. Put the inner bearing into the hub assembly, and then tap the seal into place over the bearing. Ensure that the seal is flush with the hub assembly to confirm proper installation.
  18. 18
    Now for the phrase that everybody hates: Installation is the reverse of the removal. Just install the nuts back at the proper torque on the ball joints, tie rod ends, and wheel lug nuts.

Things You'll Need

  • basic socket set
  • screwdriver or small pry tool
  • ball joint press
  • torque wrench
  • optional: air compressor with impact wrench (for pressing the ball joints out and in) and a breaker bar


  • To replace the brake pads, compress the piston into the caliper by using the C-clamp of your ball joint press. When you start the vehicle again, pump the brakes a few times until the pedal tightens back up. This will put the piston in contact with the brake pads again.


  • NEVER work under or around a vehicle that is only held up by a jack. Spend the extra dollars and get a good set of jack stands. Your life is worth more than saving a couple of extra dollars by using blocks of wood, cinder blocks, or a jack.
  • Article provided by wikihow the wikihow manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Replace Ball Joints and Wheel Bearings on a 1996 F150. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

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