

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

How to Change the Oil in a Classic Car

Article provided by wikihow the wikihow manual.

Changing the oil in a classic car can be a fun experience as long as it is done right. It is a simple job, and one that must be done to ensure the dependability of the car.


  1. 1
    Check the owner's manual for the correct type of oil and oil filter. It will be under the maintenance section. Make sure the car is on flat, level ground that is solid so that the car cannot sink into the ground, as some older cars can be extremely heavy.

  2. 2
    Position the jack under the appropriate area of the car. Most cars have a triangle or notch on the frame to tell where the jack should be placed. Check your owner's manual if you are not sure where those spots are.
  3. 3
    Start jacking the car up slowly. The car should be in park with a wheel chock behind one or both of the wheels opposite of those being lifted off the ground.
  4. 4
    Once the car is high enough, place a jackstand underneath to catch the car if it should slip off the jack.
  5. 5
    Locate the oil drain plug. It should be on the bottom of the oil pan. Check your owner's manual to be certain, as different makes and models can be quite different. With the drainpan in place underneath the drain plug, remove it.
  6. 6
    Once the oil has been drained, locate the oil filter. Check your owner's manual for the location as different makes and models will have different spots for this. Remove the oil filter and place it open end down in the drainpan.
  7. 7
    Put the new oil filter on after rubbing a small amount of oil around the open edge to help it seal better. Replace the drain plug.
  8. 8
    Open the oil fill cap and pour the new oil into the engine.
  9. 9
    Run the engine for about 30 seconds and check for leaks.


  • The job can be dirty, so don't wear anything you want to keep clean.
  • Recycle or dispose of the used oil responsibly, don't just pour it out.


  • Do not get under a car supported only by a jack. If the car slips, it could injure you.
  • Engine oil can be hazardous to your health! Don't rub your eyes or eat without washing your hands after changing oil.
  • Don't pour oil out. Recycle or dispose of it responsibly.
  • Engine oil can be hot if the car has been running in the past hour before the oil change, be careful.

Things You'll Need

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