

Friday, October 28, 2011

How to Replace Rotors

The process replacing rotors can be manageable with some basic knowledge about tools, including lug wrenches and car jacks. Many people are now performing rotor replacement in their own home garages, and you can learn how to replace rotors on your own to help save some money.


  1. 1
    Jack up the car, and remove the wheels using a lug wrench. It is helpful to do this in a garage, but it's not required. Put on rubber gloves if desired.

  2. 2
    Remove brake caliper as a unit. If the caliper is hanging from the brake lines, secure it with wire.
  3. 3
    Remove any remaining fasteners or screws before you attempt to remove the rotors.
  4. 4
    Remove the old rotors. If you have a 1-piece rotor and hub assembly, you must remove the spindle nut and rotor hub as a unit.
  5. 5
    Install the new rotors by reversing the 3 previous steps.
  6. 6
    Use brake cleaner and a cloth to remove grease and other residue around the new rotors. Do this before you reinstall the brake calipers to make sure you can brake smoothly. Tighten fasteners to ensure proper torque.
  7. 7
    Put the wheels back on, and tighten the lug nuts using the lug wrench. Lower the car from the jack.


  • If your rotors are still thick enough to be deemed safe, you don't need to replace the rotors. In this case, the rotors can be resurfaced and reinstalled on your vehicle. Consult with your mechanic to find out if your rotors are still safe for use.
  • Remove and replace the rotors on 1 side of the car before moving on to the other side. This is helpful because while you are replacing the rotors on the first side, you can refer to the other side if you are unsure how the rotors, brake calipers, or wheels go back on. A visual reference may make the process go quicker.


  • Over-tightening of the lug nuts can cause the rotors to become warped. Use a torque wrench to prevent this from happening.
  • When refastening slider pins, caliper mounts, or any other brake hardware, obtaining proper torque values is very important. Consult a service manual or ask a certified mechanic to find out proper brake and rotor replacement techniques.
  • To be on the safe side and to ensure optimal braking performance, rotors need to be smooth. If you run your fingernails over the surface of the rotors and catch your nails on small scores or if you detect warping, the surface of the rotors is likely not even. Scoring and warping can come from overheating, and rotors with uneven surfaces need to be replaced.
  • If you're in doubt about how to replace brake rotors, do not attempt to do the repair yourself. Contact a certified mechanic to finish the job for you.
  • Make sure to purchase your new rotors from a local auto supply store or reputable online auto dealer. Other businesses might not offer an exchange or refund if they send you the wrong rotors for your car.

Things You'll Need

  • 4 rotors
  • Car jack
  • Brake cleaner
  • Cloth
  • Lug wrench
  • Rubber gloves (optional)
  • Wire (optional)
  • Torque wrench (optional)

Article provided by wikihow Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Replace Rotors. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

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