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Those oversized, rigid 'clamshell' packages may help to secure items for shipping and cut down on shoplifting, but they can be a nightmare for consumers. There's even a term for the frustration they inspire: wrap rage. In 2004, over 6,000 Americans went to the emergency room with injuries resulting from opening difficult packaging![1] Here's a rundown on how to preserve your hands and sanity when confronting a blister pack that has no apparent means of entry.
Perforation Method
- 1Check the back of the package for an opening before you proceed. It's still pretty rare, but some manufacturers - in response to consumer complaints - are including slits, perforations, and other starting points for opening their clamshell packages on the back. Also look around the sides to see if there are any pop-together tabs that could simply pull apart.
Can Opener Method[2]
- 1Get a manual rotary can opener.
- 2Open the clamshell as if it were a can. The sharp wheels of the can opener will cut the plastic without cutting your hands. It won't go around the corners, so just cut open one side. This will give you plenty of room to...
- 3Insert a knife between the two layers of plastic and cut all the way around. Since the blade is inside the package and pointing towards the center, it's much safer than trying to stab through the plastic and wedge the tip in between. With a decent knife, the remainder of the plastic should be easy to cut.
Knife, Box Cutter or Scissors Method
- 1Recognize the dangers of using these sharp implements. People do cut themselves frequently, as mentioned in the introduction.
- 2Cut carefully all the way around the edge with the best scissors or box cutters that you can get your hands on, until the package easily opens. Do NOT cut across the middle of the package; you could cut through the instructions or a part of the product, and it's the most cumbersome way to go. Start on the right side of the package, cutting up and around the perimeter, if you are right-handed. If you are left handed, start on the left.[3]
- Be willing to quickly admit it if your favorite scissors or knife aren't sharp enough to allow you to cut smoothly and safely. Your unscraped/uncut hands will thank you later. Borrow or buy a can opener.
Commercial Products Method
- 1There are products sold specifically for opening clamshell packages but they are not always effective.
Aviation Snips Method
- 1If you can get your hands on them, aviation snips (also referred to as tin snips) are designed for cutting thin metal and will work on rigid plastic as well. The compound hinge gives extra leverage and the blades are not too sharp.
- Clean up after yourself: recycle the sharp plastic package rim(s) that you have sliced off, and stow your cutting tools appropriately.
- If you're tired of these packages, let manufacturers know. They're attractive to manufacturers because they're strong, lightweight, inexpensive, and they discourage shoplifting and returns of items. If the inconvenience or the environmental consequences of clamshell packages bug you, speak up!
- Most methods will still leave some sharp plastic corners, so be careful.
- Stay focused on what you are doing. It shouldn't take long, but it ought to command your full attention. Rigid PVC packaging is capable of causing serious cuts. This is most likely to occur if you lose your patience or try to open clamshell packages while distracted by something else.
- Remember to put away your box cutters or heavy-duty shears after you are done with them, especially if you have, or host, children at your house.
Article provided by wikihow the wikihow manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Open Rigid Plastic Clamshell Packages Safely All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.